The Little Adinkra dictionary

ISBN: 0988907801

Intended as an abridged version of The Adinkra Dictionary, The Little Adinkra Dictionary blossomed into a 210-page pictorial analysis of the beautiful geometric symbols created by the Akan people of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Seventy adinkra symbols and definitions are listed along with contemporary and archival photographs, and illustrations. Informative essays on the Akan people and the use of adinkra in Akan funerals are included. Educational maps, charts, and glossaries provide historical context to the discussion on the traditional uses of adinkra and its transition into the contemporary art world. A special, detailed section interprets the use of the name adinkras now being used in supersymmetry (theoretical physics) and illustrates how adinkras are made. Note: The term adinkras used in theoretical physics has no connection to traditional adinkra other than the name.

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