New Age & Rituals
New Age & Rituals
Hoodoo For Beginners: An Introduction to African American Folk Magic
There are many benefits to the practice of hoodoo and how it is used to influence the human condition As much as it has been used in popular culture as a horror aesthetic, it has also in recent years become...
Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic: Banish Negative Energy and Ward Off Unpleasant People
Magical tips and techniques for keeping negative people and harmful forces at bay so you can take control of your destiny and live your best life. Does your house feel a little wonky? Is someone giving you the evil eye?...
The New World Order (Paperback)
One of the central texts in explaining the psychopathic drive of elitists to enslave the world in a unified empire. H. G. Wells was an insider with a British group tasked with revival of their once great empire - this...
The Healing Power of African-American Spirituality: A Celebration of Ancestor Worship, Herbs and Hoodoo, Ritual and Conjure
The Healing Power of African-American Spirituality: A Celebration of Ancestor Worship, Herbs and Hoodoo, Ritual and Conjure
This is a fabulous resource for anyone who wants to understand African American spirituality, shamanism, and indigenous spiritual practices and beliefs. It is designed to be informative while providing hands-on recipes, rituals, projects, and resources to help you become an...
Baphomet Revealed: Mysteries and Magic of the Sacred Icon
Baphomet, often misunderstood and cloaked in misinterpretations, has left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness—standing at the crossroads of the occult, religion, and the quest for arcane knowledge. Baphomet’s origins are as elusive as their symbolic form, yet we...
Lucky Star Dreambook
This is a wonderful book with lots of valuable information. It is a great number dream book if you are a number player and want to look your dreams up. It is accurate and concise.
Lottery Number Dream Book
Over 3000 Dream Topics with Numerological InterpretationsThis book can be a powerful and important tool to help you profit from the messages in your dreams. Inside you will find numerological interpretations for over 3000 dream symbols. Keep a pad and...
This is a wonderful book with lots of valuable information. It is a great number dream book if you are a number player and want to look your dreams up. It is accurate and concise.
Santa Muerte Magick for Love, Lust and Sex
This book is a short collection of Santa Muerte petitions designed to help you attract love, lust, and sex. From a simple date with a specific person, to a string of one night stands you hope to never see again,...
Santa Muerte Curses & Hexes
Within the tradition of Santa Muerte, it is believed that we are all accepted, and that we are all free to ask Santa Muerte for anything that our hearts desire. Santa Muerte will never shame us for asking for what...
The Magical Power of the Saints
Learn how to do powerful, practical magic when you use candles and call on the saints in Reverend Ray T. Malbrough's The Magical Power of the Saints.This book can be your personal guide to help you call on the saints...
Obatala: Ifa and the Chief of the Spirit of the White Cloth
Obatala is the Spirit of the Chief of the White Cloth in the West African religious tradition called "Ifá". The power of Obatala is described by Ifá as one of many Spiritual Forces in Nature which are called "Orisha". There...
OCHOSI; Ifa and the Spirit of the Tracker
Ochosi is the Spirit of the Tracker n the West African religious tradition called Ifá. The power of Ochosi is described by Ifá as one of many Spiritual Forces in Nature which are called "Orisha". There are a large number...
ESU-ELEGBA: Ifa and the Divine Messenger
Esu--Elegba: Ifa and the Divine Messenger is an informative guide on a key facet of Yoruba culture. The author, though not Nigerian, has studied his topic carefully and afforded the reader a keen and in depth account on how the...
OSHUN: Ifa and the Spirit of the River
Oshun is the Spirit of the river in the West African religious tradition called Ifá. The word Oshun is the name given to describe a complex convergence of Spiritual Forces that are key elements in the Ifá concept of fertility...
OGUN: Ifa and the Spirit of Iron
Ògún is the Spirit of Iron in the West African religious tradition called Ifá. The essence of Ògún is considered one of many Spiritual Forces in Nature which are called Orisha. There are a large number of Orisha and each...
Oya: Santeria and the Orisha of the Winds
Long before the women's liberation movement flowered in America, African women had an inspiring role model in Oya, queen of the Nupe, warrior wife of the great king of the Yoruba, Shango. Strong as an ox and more potent than...
Babalu Aye: Santeria and the Lord of Pestilence
Babalu give his devotees means to survive.Ulli Beier, a seasoned scholar and poet of Yoruba Culture, Elaborates on this point: "Sakpata (Babalu) is the god of suffering.He teaches his worshippers to cope with misfortunes (particularly disease). If Sakpata strikes a...
Oshun: Santeria and the Orisha of Love, Rivers and Sensuality
Oshun is the Deity of river waters and is also seen as the embodiment of love and sexuality. She represents the joy of life and is, in many ways, what makes life worth living. Oshun is the patron of gold...
Eshu Elegua: Santeria and the Orisha of the Crossroads
Eleggua as a Cosmic ForceElegua is the opener of the doors; the messenger of the gods; he is a great diviner who does not need an oracle to see the future. He owns the keys to doors, and to evil...
Aganju; Santeria & the Orisha of the Volcano & Wilderness
Orisha Aganjú is the personified spirit of the volcano and of the open spaces of wilderness in the Lukumi/Santería tradition which took shape in Cuba but originated among the Yoruba people of Southwestern Nigeria. One cannot understand Santería unless one...
Teachings of the Santería Gods: The Spirit of the Odu
The first book to explore the sacred myths of Santería• Includes more than 100 myths, stories, and histories about the odu and the orishas• Reassembles the oral fragments from the African diaspora into coherent stories• Demonstrates that the African peoples,...
The Handbook of Yoruba Religious Concepts
In this introductory volume, Baba Ifa Karade provides an easily understandable overview of the Yoruba religion. He describes 16 orisha and shows us how to work with divination, to use the chakras to internalize the teachings of Yoruba, and describes...
Santeria Formulary & Spellbook; Candles, Herbs, Incense & Oils
The belief in natural magic is shared by millions who are participants of the Afro Caribbean religion known as Santeria. This book was written as a “How to” guide for individuals who are active participants in the Santeria Religion. It’s...
Powers of the Orishas
During the slave trade, the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria who were brought to Cuba were forbidden the practice of their religion by their Spanish masters. In order to continue their magical and religious observances safely the slaves opted for the...
"All the World Is Here!": The Black Presence at White City
The 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago showed the world that America had come of age. Dreaming that they could participate fully as citizens, African Americans flocked to the fair by the thousands. ""All the World Is Here!"" examines why...
The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding the Wheel of the Year Vol 5.
Connect with the divine power of Mother Earth by celebrating with the wheel of the year.The wheel of the year is made up of eight Sabbats or festivals that occur on or around the same day each year. The eight Sabbats...