The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain: The History of the Civil War Battle that Split Virginia from the Western Theater during the Overland Campaign

ISBN: 9781539362630
*Includes pictures
*Includes soldiers' accounts of the fighting
*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading
*Includes a table of contents

“The Battle of Cloyd Mountain, under General Crook, famous in the [23rd Ohio] regiment’s history, must command a passing word. Skillful and furious, it tried the metal of the best men.” – William McKinley, speech to a 23rd Ohio Regiment reunion in 1877

Americans have long been fascinated by the Civil War, marveling at the size of the battles, the leadership of the generals, and the courage of the soldiers. Since the war's start over 150 years ago, the battles have been subjected to endless debate among historians and the generals themselves. The Civil War was the deadliest conflict in American history, and had the two sides realized it would take 4 years and inflict over a million casualties, it might not have been fought. Since it did, however, historians and history buffs alike have been studying and analyzing the biggest battles ever since.
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