Black Hebrew Israelites Scriptures - The Covenant: For Believers in the Old Testament Only

ISBN: 9781545212608
YARAMA'YAHU 31:31 31"Behold the days are coming, says YHWH, when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the house of Israel & the house of Judah. We don't believe like the Christians or Messianic Hebrews do, that the New Covenant is the New Testament because the NT promotes a New Covenant with Christians, AND THAT IS NOT WHAT THE WORD SAYS! For Yahuah NEVER CHANGES, that is his own word spoken to his people of Yashar'Ahl. Malakhy 3:8 For I am YAHUAH, I change not; therefore you sons of Ya'aqab are not consumed. HE IS COMING BACK FOR 'THE APPLE OF HIS EYE" YASHAR'AHL and the stranger joined to Yashar'Ahl, not CHRISTIANS! Therefore, no need for a New Testament, when the renewed Covenant will be when YAHUAH returns for his people.
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