Food For My Flow: A Poetry Collection

ISBN: 9798610777610

“A writer’s pen to paper is like a painter’s brush to canvas or a photographer's lens to his lens, is a world where art meets art.”

-Roxanne A. Nickle

“I create because my Creator created me in his image, I am  a work of ART.”

-Roxanne A. Nickle

Poetry Google Definition:

Type of literature, or artistic writing that attempts to stir a reader’s imagination or emotions.

Poetry Adrian McDonald’s Definition:

Sweet to the tongue, warm to the heart, soothing to the mind.

Poetry Roxanne Nickle’s Definition:

Word’s that flow, food that feeds your soul.


About the author

Warrior, mother of two, on the path to self discovery. A woman who believes in not only the magic of the story, but also the magic of the story teller. Living true to myself and my culture. Learning to trust the flow of my life no matter what.

My sincere hope is that you will enjoy this body of work, as I have enjoyed compiling it. I also hope you can relate, as I believe there is something in here for every person on this journey called life, no matter the destination, and which crossroads you are at.

Just keep FLOWING.

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