General Interest
General Interest
Truth Of Our Fathers: The Awakening of the Hebrew Israelites (paperback)
In recent years, the oppression of black people in America has almost mirrored the oppression of the Civil Rights Era. We have been pulled into a time warp, reliving all the hatred, fear and bigotry of our ancestors. But, why?...
We think What We Eat: Structuralist Analysis of Israelite Food Rules and other Mythological and Cultural Domains (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 412)
In We Think What We Eat, Seth Kunin presents both an appreciation and critique of Professor Mary Douglas' classical work on Israelite food rules. He places her arguments into the context of related anthropological approaches and suggests a new interpretation...
Xpress Hebrew Israelite Scriptures - 400 Years of Slavery Edition: Restored Hebrew KJV Bible (H.I.S. Word) (paperback)
This Bible translation, in Hardback, is based on the King James Version with all names restored to its original Hebrew. This version, written in black and white includes detailed information about the Hebrew origins of the Old Testament and New...
Xpress Hebrew Israelite Scriptures - 400 Years of Slavery Edition: Restored Hebrew KJV Bible (H.I.S. Word) (hardcover)
This Bible translation, in Hardback, is based on the King James Version with all names restored to its original Hebrew. This version, written in black and white includes detailed information about the Hebrew origins of the Old Testament and New...
You Shall Have No Other Gods: Israelite Religion in the Light of Hebrew Inscriptions (Harvard Semitic Studies)
114pp. No DJ as issued. The Book: Near Fine w/ minute corner wears.
African Ethnobotany in the Americas
African Ethnobotany in the Americas provides the first comprehensive examination of ethnobotanical knowledge and skills among the African Diaspora in the Americas. Leading scholars on the subject explore the complex relationship between plant use and meaning among the descendants of Africans...
Black Issues in the Therapeutic Process
The impact of slavery and colonialism still reverberates in black and ethnic minority communities, but counsellors are often given little training on how to respond effectively to the profound effects on their clients. Inspired by the author's own research, this...
Even the Rat Was White: A Historical View of Psychology (Allyn & Bacon Classics Edition)
Even The Rat Was White views history from all perspectives in the quest for historical accuracy. Histories and other background materials are presented in detail concerning early African-American psychologists and their scientific contributions, as well as their problems, views, and concerns...
The great president Donald Trump
The access to the American dream isn't based on open borders, but a country that attracts people with a sense of problem-solving and isn't limited by incompetence to address and effectively deal with challenges. America is about the American dream...
How to Survive America
"Dispels the myth that people of color are somehow predisposed to poor health, blaming systemic injustice in the health care system." —New York Times Book Review Legendary comedian D.L. Hughley uses his "hilarious yet soul-shaking" (Black Enterprise) humor to confront...
Into Each Room We Enter Without Knowing
Finalist, Lambda Literary Award for Gay PoetryFinalist, Publishing Triangle's Thom Gunn AwardIn this affecting poetry debut, Charif Shanahan explores what it means to be fully human in our wounded and divided world. In poised yet unrelenting lyric poems, Shanahan—queer and mixed-race—confronts the...
La Brigada: Spain (1936-1939)
The poems in ""La are"" are about the impact of Spain on La Brigada, the American unit that fought in the Spanish Civil War. As Cranston Knight states, the poems are about ""those who struggled in a time vortex to...
Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (127)
The seventh edition of this bestselling textbook has been extensively revised and updated to provide a comprehensive and accessible introduction to bilingualism and bilingual education in an everchanging world. Written in a compact and clear style, the book covers all...
Learning the Hard Way: Masculinity, Place, and the Gender Gap in Education
An avalanche of recent newspapers, weekly newsmagazines, scholarly journals, and academic books has helped to spark a heated debate by publishing warnings of a “boy crisis” in which male students at all academic levels have begun falling behind their female...
Liberation and Development: Black Consciousness Community Programs in South Africa
Liberation and Development: Black Consciousness Community Programs in South Africa is an account of the community development programs of the Black Consciousness movement in South Africa. It covers the emergence of the movement’s ideas and practices in the context of the...
The Long Emancipation: Moving toward Black Freedom
In The Long Emancipation Rinaldo Walcott posits that Black people globally live in the time of emancipation and that emancipation is definitely not freedom. Taking examples from across the globe, he argues that wherever Black people have been emancipated from slavery and...
A powerful historical novel set in Peru in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.“In Malambo . . . the Rimac proudly rubs elbows with the freedmen, the cimarrons, and smuggled slaves. . . It runs united to the other subterranean springs...
The Genius of Birds
Birds are astonishingly intelligent creatures. According to revolutionary new research, some birds rival primates and even humans in their remarkable forms of intelligence. In The Genius of Birds, acclaimed author Jennifer Ackerman explores their newly discovered brilliance and how it came...
Miseria de la razón: Racismo, etnocentrismo y nazismo: legados del pasado aún en las ciencias sociales de Occidente- Desde una perspectiva caribeña
Este trabajo se centra en la impertinencia existente en las ciencias sociales, asumiendo que es en ésta donde se juega la posibilidad de superar aquellas conclusiones teóricas inaceptables que son precisamente las que determinan la existencia y el sentido de...
The Missing Spanish Creoles: Recovering the Birth of Plantation Contact
John McWhorter challenges an enduring paradigm among linguists in this provocative exploration of the origins of plantation creoles. Using a wealth of data--linguistic, sociolinguistic, historical--he proposes that the "limited access model" of creole genesis is seriously flawed. That model maintains...
Modernity Disavowed: Haiti and the Cultures of Slavery in the Age of Revolution
Modernity Disavowed is a pathbreaking study of the cultural, political, and philosophical significance of the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804). Revealing how the radical antislavery politics of this seminal event have been suppressed and ignored in historical and cultural records over the past...
"Mommie, What Is A Nigger?': The Case of the CenturIes
"Nigger"! LET THE READING, DISCUSSION and the ERRADICATON BEGIN. IT STARTS WITH YOU! "Mommie, what Is A Nigger?" The Case Of The Centuries is a book with a word that seems to make many people run the other way. The...
Narrative Projections of a Black British History (Routledge Approaches to History)
Since the mid-1990s, the black experience in Britain has begun to be (re)negotiated intensely, with a strong focus on history. Narrative Projections of a Black British History considers narratives that construct, or engage with, aspects of a black British history. Part I...
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization Workbook
This study guide was designed as a vehicle for an in depth analysis and evaluation of the concept explored in Nile valley contributions to civilization and is intended for use in classrooms, study groups and homes
Poetique Et Politique de l'Alterite: Colonialisme, Esclavagisme, Exotisme
Stereotypes and identity assignments innervate the scenes and imaginaries of French-language culture. This transdisciplinary collective work studies the possible emergence of new forms of Otherness and their ambivalence in a dialogue between Europe and the Americas.
Primer for Blacks
Brooks talks to her Black sisters and writes a short statement about the need for Black self-awareness.
Race, Culture, and Identity: Francophone West African and Caribbean Literature and Theory from NZgritude to CrZolitZ
In this groundbreaking book, Shireen Lewis gives a comprehensive analysis of the literary and theoretical discourse on race, culture, and identity by Francophone and Caribbean writers beginning in the early part of the twentieth century and continuing into the dawn...
Race, Transnationalism, and Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies
Inspired by Toni Morrison's call for an interracial approach to American literature, and by recent efforts to globalize American literary studies, Race, Transnationalism, and Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies ranges widely in its case-study approach to canonical and non-canonical authors. Leading...
Schrift - Macht - Alltag: Lesen Und Schreiben Im Kolonialen Sudafrika. (German Edition)
Bereits vor mehr als hundert Jahren schrieben afrikanische Bergarbeiter, die am Witwatersrand fur die grossen Minenhauser schufteten, regelmassig Briefe an ihre Angehorigen und Freunde zu Hause und erhielten umgekehrt Post von ihnen. Die Schrift hatte um 1900 Eingang in die...
Secular Devotion: Afro-latin Music and Imperial Jazz
Popular music in the Americas, from jazz, Cuban and Latin salsa to disco and rap, is overwhelmingly neo-African. Created in the midst of war and military invasion, and filtered through a Western worldview, these musical forms are completely modern in...