Yoruba Gods

ISBN: 9798539875299
The Yoruba nation has its beginnings in the founding of Ile Ife. As the centuries passed, this state expanded, even absorbing the small kingdoms and peoples surrounding it. Ile Ife was founded by a king named Oduduwa, also known as Obalufe; His sons and descendants formed a dynasty of kings who were deified and subsequently transformed into Orishas. The Orishas were mortal, who, for some reason, became divine individuals, deified by their people given their actions. Almost all the Orishas were in life kings of the Yoruba nation, great warriors, and reformers of civilization. Through time, uniting to these Orishas has been achieved through the Yoruba religion, which has become the fundamental foundation of culture and lifestyle in much of the world. In this way, grow the faith, respect, love, and loyalty for the following Yoruba Gods.
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