Scattered but not Lost: A unique presentation of the Journey of the Chosen Family, the Hebrew Israelites of The Bible; found today in the Caribbean, North and South America and in all Nations. (paperback)

ISBN: 9781493677351
The systematic misinterpretation of the word of Yah (whom the nations called God) by Christian Preachers, Pastors, Theologians and Rabbis has made this book crucial. The many unanswered questions and silent inquiries; is at the heart of this work. I remembered the sleepless nights I had as a student of an Assembly of God Bible school where I spent 3 ½ years. It was really difficult trying to understand the absence of the black presence in the Bible. It was those years that prompted the investigation into who are ‘The True Hebrews’ and where they are located today. You would have drawn the conclusion from reading the Bible that the original people of the book were a people that frequented captivity. This description does not accurately fit the European Jews of today who are very rich and are receiving lots of financial reparations for what happened to them. While the greatest holocaust the world has ever witnessed slips into obscurity and the plight of our people the ‘True Hebrew Israelites’ become daily intolerable. A visit to the Jails in the major cities of the Nations will show the true nature of our distress. I could not go on living as a person without taking time out from my busy schedule to contribute to this ever growing conversation. The world has never witnessed such an enormous and full scale deception like the one the group of Europeans called Jews; were able to perpetrate. They were able to make effective use of the media because most of these businesses are owned by them. They were very effective in getting the whole world to think that they are the descendants of ‘The Ancient Israelites’. The world is becoming a much wiser place; people no longer take things at face value. Intensive researches are being carried out all around the world and the facts are finally being uncovered. The world is waking up to the realisation that ‘The True Hebrews’ might not be those who are claiming to be Jews. Come with me as we make this exciting discovery together from the pages of this book ‘SCATTERED BUT NOT LOST’.
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