Welcome to the captivating world of "ÈṢÙ School of Thoughts," a mesmerizing exploration of the profound tapestry that is ÈṢÙ. As you embark on this literary odyssey, prepare to unravel the mysteries that have shrouded ÈṢÙ throughout the ages, as each chapter unfolds like a treasure chest of knowledge and insight.
In the introductory chapter, we take you back to the very roots of existence with a deep dive into the "Origin & History of ÈṢÙ." Discover the origins of this enigmatic deity and follow his remarkable journey to Ketou, an earthly abode that sets the stage for the revelations to come.
As you turn the pages of the second chapter, "ÈṢÙ Way of Life," you'll find yourself immersed in the awe-inspiring aura of ÈṢÙ. Uncover the astonishing truth behind his title as "Bearer of 200+1 Names" and witness the vivid manifestations that make him a figure of unparalleled intrigue.