Lost Books of The Bible: The New Testament Apocrypha
The Bible is the most famous book in the world, read by a countless number of Christians and others over the centuries. Even those who aren't Christian or remotely religious can rattle off Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as the...
Los Libros Perdidos del Antiguo Testamento y Otros Apócrifos Judíos
El estudio de los evangelios apócrifos —relatos de la vida o dichos de Jesús que no entraron al Nuevo Testamento— es una disciplina popular entre los académicos que llena ya varios estantes de cualquier biblioteca respetable. A pesar de la...
Los Jesuitas: Historia y legado de la Compañía de Jesús, Orden Religiosa de la Iglesia Católica
“Ite, inflammate omnia.” (Id, incendiad el mundo.”)—San Ignacio de Loyola La edad media sigue siendo una de las eras más decisivas de la civilización humana. Es una era caracterizada por monarcas ilustres, valientes caballeros en brillantes armaduras y una magnífica...
Legends of the Middle Ages: The First Crusade
"I, or rather the Lord, beseech you as Christ's heralds to publish this everywhere and to persuade all people of whatever rank, foot-soldiers and knights, poor and rich, to carry aid promptly to those Christians and to destroy that vile...
La Inquisición española y la Inquisición portuguesa: la historia y el legado de las instituciones más infames de la Iglesia Católica Romana
En muchas sociedades modernas, se han establecido leyes para proteger a los ciudadanos de la discriminación basada en el género, las creencias, la raza y la sexualidad. La simple idea de ver esos derechos violados de alguna manera es algo...
La Historia y El Legado de María Magdalena, La Primera Cristiana y Apóstol de La Iglesia Primitiva
María Magdalena es probablemente la figura más célebre del cristianismo popular, una mujer de nuestro tiempo, la que los medios de comunicación y las sensibilidades modernas pueden abrazar con mayor convicción. La industria del entretenimiento como el cine, el teatro...
La cruz de Cristo y la Lanza del Destino: Cómo las dos reliquias más importantes del cristianismo cambiaron la historia
Que Jesús de Nazareth (ca. 4 AC-30 DC) fue crucificado es una de las afirmaciones más cercanas a un hecho histórico que pueda hacerse sobre su él. Sobre los detalles de qué hizo o dijo la academia ha pasado siglos...
La Capilla Sixtina: Historia y legado de la capilla más famosa del mundo
En 1503, El Papa Julio II, sucesor del notable Alejandro VI (Rodrigo Borgia), trajo al papado el aprecio. Una vez Miguel Ángel hubo finalizado la avalancha de obras en las que había trabajado en los últimos cuatros años, fue comisionado...
The Knights Hospitaller: The History and Legacy of the Medieval Catholic Military Order
*Includes pictures*Includes medieval accounts*Includes online resources and a bibliography for further readingFor centuries, Christians and Muslims were embroiled in one of the most infamous territorial disputes of all time, viciously and relentlessly battling one another for the Holy Land. In...
John Calvin: The Life of the Man and the Legacy of the Reformer
"God, by a sudden conversion, subdued and brought my mind to a teachable frame, which was more hardened in such matters than might have been expected from one at my early period of life. Having thus received some taste and...
Jesús de Nazareth: La Búsqueda Histórica del Mesías Cristiano
Hoy, el profeta de Nazareth sigue despertando un vivo interés en una amplia cantidad de círculos ortodoxos y heterodoxos. Los libros sobre él son tan abundantes como la proverbial planta de mostaza. Jesús, cuya muerte ocurrió hace casi dos mil...
Jesus Christ's Competitors: The History of Israel's Other Messiahs during the Reign of the Roman Empire
In the first century CE, there lived a man named Jesus in Judea, a Roman province at the time. The humble peasant was considered by some to be a prophet, others saw him as a madman, and some considered him...
Jesus and Judas: The Christian Messiah and the Disciple Who Betrayed Him
*Includes pictures *Discusses various theories surrounding Judas's betrayal *Includes excerpts from Scripture *Includes a bibliography for further reading The life story of Jesus of Nazareth, considered by billions of Christians to be the Messiah prophesized in the Old Testament of...
The Jesuits: The History and Legacy of the Catholic Church's Society of Jesus
*Includes pictures *Includes contemporary accounts of the Jesuits *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents “Ite, inflammate omnia.” (“Go, set the world on fire.” – St. Ignatius of Loyola Naturally, the outraged public...
Jan Hus: The Life and Legacy of the Christian Theologian Executed for Heresy Before the Reformation
“Therefore, faithful Christian, seek the truth, listen to the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, tell the truth, learn the truth, defend the truth even to death.” (Jan Hus) Theologian and reformer John Wycliffe never had the opportunity to...
Jan Hus and Ulrich Zwingli: The Lives and Deaths of the Reformation's Most Famous Martyrs
“Therefore, faithful Christian, seek the truth, listen to the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, tell the truth, defend the truth even to death.” (Jan Hus) “The Christian life, then, is a battle so sharp and full of danger...
The Inquisition in the New World: The History and Legacy of the Inquisition after Spain and Portugal Colonized the Americas
*Includes pictures*Includes a bibliography for further reading“When you tell someone your secret, your freedom is gone.” – Fernando de RojasNone of these would hold a candle to the one birthed in the 15th century – the Spanish Inquisition. The notorious...
History's Greatest Mysteries: The Unsolved Case of D.B. Cooper
"Maybe a hydrologist can use the latest technology to trace the $5,800 in ransom money found in 1980 to where Cooper landed upstream. Or maybe someone just remembers that odd uncle." (FBI Special Agent Larry Carr) On November 24, 1971,...
History's Greatest Mysteries: The Shroud of Turin
For centuries professional historians have labored through the painstaking task of documenting history as accurately as possible, but even with modern technology, archaeology, and records, some questions have eluded attempts to answer them. From the origins of Atlantis to the...
History's Greatest Mysteries: The Lost Colony of Roanoke
"The first Discovery and Settlement of this Country was by the Procurement of Sir Walter Raleigh, in Conjunction with some publick-spirited Gentlemen of that Age, under the Protection of Queen Elizabeth; for which Reason it was then named Virginia, being...
The Historical and Theological Evolution of Satan, the Devil, and Hell
The Catholic Church has defined Hell as "a state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed", but the images most have of the Devil and Hell are far more vivid. Even non-Christians are fully familiar with the...
The Great Siege of Malta: The History of the Battle for the Mediterranean Island Between the Ottoman Empire and Knights Hospitaller
“The darkness of the night then became as bright as day, due to the vast quantity of artificial fires. So bright was it indeed that we could see St Elmo quite clearly. The gunners of St Angelo...were able to lay...
The First Italian War: The History and Legacy of the Italian Wars' Initial Conflict at the Height of the Renaissance
*Includes pictures*Includes a bibliography for further readingIn 1494, there were five sovereign regional powers in Italy: Milan, Venice, Florence, the Papal States and Naples. In 1536, only one remained: Venice. These decades of conflict precipitated great anxiety among Western thinkers,...
El Vaticano y la Santa Sede: La historia y el legado del gobierno de la Iglesia Católica Romana
Cada año, millones de personas visitan un espectacular circuito compuesto por maravillosas agrupaciones de edificios interconectados y encantadoras casas coloreadas de beige, arena y demás matices terrosos. Al acercarse pueden ver el exterior renacentista de esas construcciones, y los exquisitos...
El Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes: La Historia y Legado del Centro de Milagros de la Iglesia Católica
Aunque es una admirable obra de arte creada por la acción de las aguas del otrora turquesa río Gave de Pau, la modesta gruta a sus orillas, escondida en el desfiladero al norte de la Massabielle (“Vieja Misa”) en la...
El Opus Dei: Historia y legado de la famosa institución de la Iglesia Católica
“Los fieles deben, además, ser invitados también a la penitencia exterior, ya para sujetar el cuerpo al imperio de la recta razón y de la fe, ya para expiar las propias culpas y las de los demás… San Agustín insiste...
El Cristianismo Olvidado: La Historia de los Evangelios de Nag Hammadi
Muchas personas interesadas en los temas bíblicos han leído sobre los Rollos del Mar Muerto y sus guardianes, los misteriosos esenios, esa secta del judaísmo que escondió en cuevas su valiosa biblioteca, antes de lanzarse a la batalla final contra...
Edith Stein: The Life and Legacy of the Jewish Philosopher Who Became a Catholic Saint
*Includes pictures *Includes a bibliography for further reading “As a child of the Jewish people who, by the grace of God, for the past eleven years has also been a child of the Catholic Church, I dare to speak to...
Competidores de Jesucristo: La historia de los otros Mesías de Israel durante el reinado del Imperio Romano
En el siglo I de nuestra era vivió un hombre llamado Jesús en Judea, en ese tiempo una provincia de Roma. El hombre de origen rural era considerado por unos como un profeta, por otros como un loco y por...
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: The History of Christianity in Jerusalem and the Holy City's Most Important Church
*Includes pictures of the church*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsThe most famous church in Jerusalem for nearly 2,000 years, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, often called the Church of the Resurrection, was built in the...

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